JIM: Man you read my mind you f*$!er!
I was in lala land earlier today pondering letters and numbers. I thought it was interesting that someone in your comments section over at The Blob mentioned that X was the 24th letter, which resonated with 42, or Jupiter etc...
So I thought the 23rd letter is W. That is perfect. As the W is the M of MOM and WOW.
Then I wondered what is the 21st letter. Because 21 is BLACKJACK, and man am I ever seeing
the word JACK everywhere. 21 is also 1/2 of 42, and its reverse of 12 is half of 24, which is the reverse of 42.
At that point TODAY I figured out that the 21st letter of the alphabet is U.
I though to myself. "What is so special with the U? "
Of course the one thing I thought of earlier was the U gives us U-Turn.
I was probably just deciphering the same galactic pulse that you are all doing at that same moment.
I feel like we will be able to do a Sesame Street Synchromystic Alphabet Skit soon.
L8or G8ors
I third the motion... Was thinking all day about number games.
W is actually a Double U. Or CC. Coca Cola has a link to 23 NOW. Not only that but Double U would be 42 like Jim said(21+21).... W is both 23 and 42. Sycromysticaly interesting is that eye C them together constantly, along with 77.
Wonder about that movie 21.