Dogs and Snow, Photo Blogs

I am stiiiiilllll waiting for this baby, which is fine-- I trust that this baby knows when he's ready, so I'm not going to rush him-- but the constant backache is making me too grumpy to really feel like composing thoughts and opinions on anything related to Stamford. I'm mostly trying to distract myself by going to chick flicks alone at 3pm or by visiting friends.

Anyway, I loved these photos of sled dog racing from the Boston Globe's photo blog, The Big Picture. The scenery, from Alaska to Maine, is beautiful, and the dogs look like they are having a blast. The Big Picture always brings in news and images from places I'd ordinarily probably not think about. These photos took me away for a few minutes from my own little concerns- thanks another welcome distraction, Big Picture.

Don't forget to check out Stamford's local photo blog, The Advocate's In Sight, which has photos from around Stamford. Another Advocate blog, Lunch Break Chronicles, is ostensibly a food blog, but it's also really a photoblog, since the blogger/photographer, Chris Preovolos, is one of the main photographers for In Sight. LBC has food photos from Chris' travels and great tips on some local food places. (For example, this photo is from a post about goat tacos from Casa Villa in Stamford, a place I've never been.)

Back to my racing dogs: here's a little more about The Big Picture, from its "About" page:
...entries are posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by Alan Taylor. Inspired by publications like Life Magazine (of old), National Geographic, and online experiences like's Picture Stories galleries and Brian Storm's MediaStorm, The Big Picture is intended to highlight high-quality, amazing imagery - with a focus on current events, lesser-known stories and, well, just about anything that comes across the wire that looks really interesting.
...The majority of the images come from companies like the AP, Reuters and Getty Images, who license them to the Boston Globe for our use. Other photos come from public domain sources like NASA, and others from private photographers who share them with the Big Picture for one-time use.

The same guy who runs The Big Picture has a second blog, Big Picture Notes, where he posts things that didn't fit into the main blog. Coooooooooool, I like to ogle the work of talented people!