Curses Upon Stamford Parking Violations

I'd like to offer my sincerest curses to Stamford Parking Violations. At the end of October I got a ticket (see photo) because I stayed too long at lunch at Eos, the yummy Greek place on Summer St. I just came across a FIFTY FIVE DOLLAR ticket for that- the original $15 plus FORTY BUCKS because it's over a month and a half late. I only get a month and a half to pay a measly parking ticket? Isn't that a little Draconian? It feels very unconstitutional, frankly.

Right after I got this ticket, I was struck down with a whooping cough-like illness that lasted close to 6 weeks. I wasn't thinking about this stupid ticket! I was thinking about the muscles I was pulling in my side and chest from coughing so hard! Curses upon you, Stamford Parking Violations!

If you are a person who is organized enough to pay your stupid parking tickets on time, good for you. I'm not like that, but I don't think I should have to pay more money to Stamford because I'm a little spacey. I think people should get mailed at least one warning before they get fined forty bucks for forgetting about a stupid, irritating ticket.

In general, I'm irritated to live in a place where I have to drive everywhere, and yet parking for some of the best places is pretty inconvenient. Parking meters are TOTALLY OLD FASHIONED, and this town needs to GET RID OF THEM. I hate paying for parking, but at least make the meters ones I can pay more than 2 hours for! Just give me a 3 hour limit, like the ones in the garages offer!

I mean for God's sake, I'm patronizing cool restos and shops and being penalized for it. I might as well speed, and drive recklessly, because I'm a lot less likely to get caught for that, and I'd probably get fined less, too.

Rrrrr! So should I pay this stupid ticket, or is there some clause that says "Just ignore the extra fee and pay $15 and the city will not notice"?