British PM Condemns Prop 8 As "Unacceptable"

The BBC is reporting that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown who was visiting the United States (and President Barack Obama earlier this week) has condemned Proposition 8 as "unacceptable" and urged his suporters to be vigilant against all forms of discrimination.

Mr Brown made the comments at a reception in Downing Street for leading figure from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.


Mr Brown said "this attempt to undo good that has been done is unacceptable". He added: "This shows why we have always got to be vigilant, always got to fight homophobic behaviour and any form of discrimination."

He also praised equality campaigners in the UK for "changing opinion" about same-sex unions.

"You have shown how the legislative process, by your pressure, can respond," he said

It should be noted that since 2005 Britian has had registered partnerships which give all the rights and responsibilities but not the name as marriages in the United Kingdom. This basically what California has now with the passage of Proposition 8.
However there are two interesting aspects of this story (which has been picked up by Pam Spaulding and other bloggers). First, Prime Minister Brown is the first world leader to condemn the passage of Proposition 8 (perhaps the lesbian Prime Minister of Iceland might be next?) and secondly, the leader wa speaking to a Presidential Reception for members of the LGBT ommunity during an LGBT History celebration. This definitely raises the bar for what we will be expecting President Obama to do this June!