Boricua In Space!

Liftoff occurred at 4:44 p.m. Pacific time, about 3 minutes after sunset in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The shuttle is to rendezvous with the Space Station on Tuesday.

Joseph Acaba -- a geologist and former Peace Corps member, Marine Corps reservist and math and science teacher -- is to serve as a mission specialist and take two space walks during the 14-day mission.

He is on the team assigned to install the final truss elements and solar arrays that provide power to the space station.

The shuttle mission, originally set for Feb. 12, was previously delayed several times to check hydrogen fuel valves, one of which broke during a flight in November.

On the first of his two spacewalks, Acaba is to join crewmate Steve Swanson on a tour of the truss.

Acaba's second space walk will involve preparing the International Space Station for future flights.
Mad Professah is happy to see another Math and Science teacher in space. Here's to wishing Mr. Acaba a safe return to planet Earth.