Thumbs Down to Trump's Styrofoam Debris!

Yeah, Advocate! I love your sassy new "Thumbs Up/Down" feature. Life is just too short not to get in little jabs, and I am happy my local paper is getting on board the opinion express. I was pleased with a recent installment:
Thumbs down to Trump Parc. Police last Thursday [Feb. 12] investigated reports that a piece of Styrofoam blew off the unfinished luxury apartment building. There were no injuries in the incident, and police reported that an inspection of the site showed that that items were properly secured...

That's all good, but the incident was an unwelcome reminder of the rain of debris that fell from the building during a relatively short period last summer, all of it much harder and hazardous than Styrofoam. In those incidents, inches or minutes meant the difference between mere incident and catastrophe. Let us hope the latest incident does not portend a return to the bad old days.
I am glad the Advocate took on the mantle of reminding Trump of that. Trump got really lucky no one was killed, and they need to not forget it.

It still pisses me off that I have to think about possibly getting my head smashed in when I drive by Trump. I am not nearly as worried as I used to be, but I still worry. A construction site towering over a very busy road-- well, that's how things are if you want development! I hear people saying-- well, Trump itself proved why that was a bad idea. The string of debris accidents was just absurd. You cannot run a loosey-goosey operation like that OVER A BUSY ROAD.

Honestly, it was like the Trump workers were taunting us, right? Crap was flying off that building left and right- wood, metal, leftover lunches- and each time we thought, Surely this latest case of a car getting smashed will be a wake up call, another incident would occur. Either the site was badly run, or the workers did not care. I do not know how else to interpret all of those incidents.

So, I agree with the Advocate: looks like Trump has shaped up, but we'd be stupid not to still worry a little.

Also, a Stamford Talk Thumbs Up to the writing style of the Trump Thumbs Down. I thought it was very succinct and descriptive. I appreciate that.