Take Action To Help Pass Civil Unions In Hawaii

The Stonewall Democrats, a national organization of LGBT Democrats have an easy way of taking action to support efforts in Hawaii to get civil unions. You can take action by clicking on the image above.

Here is what I wrote in my letter to the Hawaii State Senate, encouraging them to pass SB 444, a bill to enact civil unions in the Aloha State:
Please do the right thing and don't allow 3 senators in one committee prevent equal access to marital benefits to thousands of Hawaiians by passing civil unions legislation.

After doing so, you can send the following messages to people on your email lists:
Hawaii may be on its way to becoming the fifth state to legalize same-sex cvil unions, but they need our help.

I just signed a petition urging the state's Democratic leaders to push the legislation up for a vote before the full Senate (its currently stuck in committee), But in order to make a real impact we need a bunch of signatures a lot more signatures. Would you sign the petition too?

You can check out the specifics and signup here:


Remember, Hawaii was the very first state to pass a constitutional amendment to allowing the state to ban same-sex marriages back in 1998. Just imagine what kind of message it would send equality opponents to make that same state the fifth in the country to legalize same-sex civil unions.

Will you join me in fighting for equality and urging Hawaii Democratic leaders to push civil union legislation up for a vote before the full state Senate? All you need to do is click the link below:


Thanks for everything!