Seems Funny But Is Actually Sad: Stamford Chimp Attack

Thanks to the reader who tipped me off about the chimp attack in North Stamford. Here's what sounds funny (from article): A pet chimpanzee - who had appeared in TV commercials and shows - got loose at a home at 241 Rock Rimmon Road in Stamford Monday afternoon, according to Stamford police. And it was not his first time.

Here's why it's actually sad: The 175-pound animal attacked its owner's friend, leaving the victim with severe facial injuries. She was taken to Stamford Hospital. Police do not expect the person to live.
I mean, that's just awful.

The chimp ended up dead- stabbed, then shot: The Stamford Advocate reports the primate's owner called 911 and then tried to stop the attack by stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife. An officer shot and killed the animal when it tried to get into his police cruiser, said police. The animal was reportedly named Travis and had issues in the past. On October 19, 2003, Travis escaped from his owner's SUV and went running through the streets. More than a dozen police officers chased around after him at the time.

I feel bad for the chimp, too. The poor thing was clearly crazy, right? He sounds like he should not have been around people.

Here's why this chimp was special: In a newspaper article at the time, police said the chimp, then 10, was toilet trained. He reportedly dressed himself, ate at the table and drank wine. He could use a computer and remote control. He starred in Old Navy and Coca-Cola commercials and even appeared on the Maury Povich Show...

Even though chimps are a lot like us, they are still animals. It seems like that got forgotten. I'm looking forward to learning more, because I don't want to blame the owner without having all the facts. And I bet that chimp's owner feels really terrible right now. I feel so, so bad for the woman who got attacked.

You can read more, and see pics, in the Stamford Advocate article about it. There is supposed to be a press conference going on right now about it (8pm Monday), so I'm sure more disturbing details will emerge.