SD-26: Curren Price Winning Endorsements Battle

Assemblymember Curren Price has been racking up the endorsements in his attempt to replace Mark Ridley-Thomas in the 26th District of the State Senate in a special election to be held March 24th, 2009.

MadProfessah has been carefully monitoring the race between two African American elected officials to replace a pro-LGBT equality politician. Price's opponent is Assemblymember Mike Davis who has previously refused to support pro-LGBT legislation.

The statewide LGBT lobbying group Equality California Political Action Committee endorsed Price last week.

In both 2007 and 2008, Price received a 100 percent score on the Equality California scorecard. In 2007 he voted for the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act, which would have allowed same-sex couples to marry in California. This year, he is a co-author of HR 5, a resolution in the State Assembly urging that Proposition 8, which amended the Constitution to eliminate the right to marry for same-sex couples, be invalidated.

"I am proud to have the support of Equality California and its members for my campaign for State Senate," said Assembly Member Price. "EQCA members are on the front lines fighting for civil rights and equal rights for all people, but they are, most importantly, a powerful voice for justice on one issue we should all agree upon: full equality under our state's Constitution and its laws for members of California's LGBT community."


The 26th Senate District includes the cities of Baldwin Hills, Baldwin Vista, Beverlywood, Carthay Circle, Century City, the Crenshaw District, Culver City, Hancock Park, Hollywood, Hyde Park, Jefferson Park, Ladera Heights, Lafayette Square, Larchmont, Leimert Park, Los Feliz, Miracle Mile, South Central Los Angeles, View Park, West Los Angeles and Windsor Hills, among others.

In addition, this week Price was endorsed by Senate Pro Tem Darrel Steinberg, the head of the State Senate and one of the most powerful politicians in California. Previously Price was endorsed by both Service Employees International Union and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. Davis has been endorsed by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (what was she thinking?)

MadProfessah has endorsed Curren Price.