New Mexcio Moves Towards Enacting Domestic Partner Law

New Mexico is moving closer towards enacting a domestic partnership bill for the first time. New Mexico is an interesting case, because it does not have a law banning same-sex marriage nor has it had any initiatives to ban the practice. There have also been no lawsuits or legislative actions to enact same-sex marriage in the Land of Enchantment.

From The Las Cruces Sun-News coverage
SANTA FE — A proposal allowing domestic partnerships cleared its first hurdle in the Legislature on Wednesday when it narrowly won approval in a Senate committee.
The Public Affairs Committee endorsed the measure on a 5-to-4 vote and sent the proposal to another panel for consideration. The bill will head to the full Senate for debate if it is approved by the Judiciary Committee, which could vote on the proposal later this week.

The legislation would give some unmarried couples — homosexual or heterosexual — the legal protections and benefits of married couples.

"I really believe this is a fundamental civil rights issue," said Sen. Eric Griego, D-Albuquerque.

Opponents contended the measure would in effect legally recognize gay marriage.

The New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops opposed the measure.

"I would ask you for the protection of marriage as we know it," said Deacon Steve Rangel, associate director of the conference, adding there was a "traditional and religious understanding that marriage is between a man and a woman."

The state's Catholic bishops previously had remained neutral on the legislation, but Rangel said that had changed because of court decisions around the country involving rights of same-sex couples.

(Hat/tip Joe.My.God.) How bizarre that the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops apparently doesn't understand judicial decisions like in California, New Jersey and Connecticut which clearly state that domestic partnerships are NOT the same as marriage, which is why in two of those three cases they ended the practice of barring same-sex couples from marrying.

Hmm, or maybe they do understand and are simply lying!
A bill is being rushed through the New Mexico legislature that could lead to homosexual "marriage."

Hearings are being heard this week on the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, which passed the state House by a 33-31 margin. Former New Mexico Congressman Bill Redman weighed in on the subject recently in an interview on Ruidoso Christian radio station KEDU.

"This is same-sex marriage -- and so they are deceptive #1 by the very title of the bill," stated Redman. "The bill is referred to as 'domestic partnership,' but the courts have already determined that domestic partnership is identical to and is same-sex marriage.

I suppose they missed that part of Senate Bill 12 which states, ""domestic partnership" means a legal relationship that is not marriage that two domestic partners establish with each other according to the provisions and requirements of the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act"!
