Black Lesbian Blogger Featured In D.C. Post

Pam Spaulding, the founder and main creative force behind Pam's House Blend is on the cover of today's Washington Post Style section in an article titled "Gay Bloggers' Voices Rise in Chorus of Growing Political Influence." I met Pam at the LGBT Blogger and Citizen Journalist Conference in Washington, D.C. last December. Here's an excerpt from today's article

Pam's House Blend is an influential voice in the gay political blogosphere, must-reads that include the Bilerico Project, Towleroad and AMERICAblog, each attracting a few hundred to a few thousand hits a day. Just as the liberal Net-roots and the conservative "rightroots" movements have affected traditional party structures, the still relatively small gay political presence online is rebooting the gay rights movement in a decentralized, spontaneous, bottom-up way.


In the past, someone like Spaulding would have been relegated to the sidelines. She doesn't work for national gay rights organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign or the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. She lives with her partner, Kate, an audiologist, in Durham, far from San Francisco, New York or Washington, where gay activism has been historically based. But now she's helping shape the agenda, one voice in a chorus of sometimes dissonant, sometimes harmonious, often in-your-face voices that is pushing established gay groups and redefining the meaning of grass-roots action in this new media age.


"There will be times when the relationship between the White House and gay bloggers will be contentious," says Steve Hildebrand, who as deputy campaign manager was the highest-ranking openly gay person in Obama's campaign. He's now serving as chief strategist for Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.), who's running for a Senate seat. "But because they agree on a lot of issues, 95 percent of the time, it won't be."

On the Internet, no group -- however controversial or on the fringe -- is invisible. Everyone is but a Google search away. And the sheer diversity of blogs written by gays, lesbians and transgenders proves that, like all minority groups, the gay community is not monolithic. Though they may blog about the same topic -- say, Prop. 8 -- it doesn't mean they'll arrive at the same conclusion. After Prop. 8 passed, the meme that religious blacks helped provide the margin of victory was omnipresent. But what about religious anti-gay whites, Spaulding wondered. It wasn't about race, she insisted in her postings.

Congratulations to Pam, how long do you think before she gets invited to the White House?
I think it's great that she was able to get coverage of the "zombie meme" that Blacks were responsible for Proposition 8's passage questioned in the Washington Post!

I do find it odd that the gay blogs mentioned did not include MadProfessah fave's Rod 2.0, Joe.My.God and Queerty.

What are YOUR daily must-read blogs?

Mine are: Joe.My.God, Pam's House Blend, Rod 2.0, Queerty, TowleRoad and then I usually read DailyKos, OpenLeft, AmericaBlog and Talking Points Memo specifically for political info and LAObserved for local info.