VIDEO: "Get To Know Us First" is a website devoted to educating the public about the actual lives of LGBT people in California. They tried to air one of the above public service announcements during KABC's coverage of Barack Obama's presidential inauguration on Tuesday and were rebuffed.

To let ABC know how you feel about there decision that showing ads about lesbian and gay families was "too controversial," here's some contact info:

Arnold J. Kleiner
President & General Manager
500 Circle Seven Dr.
Glendale, CA 91201-2331
telephone: 818-863-7707

KABC-TV general telephone: (818) 863-7777
KABC-TV general fax: (818) 863-7654

Susan Lyne, President
ABC Entertainment
500 S. Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91521-4551
telephone: (818) 560-1000
(NY-Corporate): (212) 456-7777

The ad rejected by KABC featured a Black gay couple raising 5 kids ages 6 through 25 in Los Angeles. (hat/tip Rod 2.0 and TowleRoad)

UPDATE FRI 01/24/09 8:22PM PST: KABC has agreed to air the ad on this Sunday's edition of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" at 8pm PST. From the press release:

The 30-second ad initially rejected by KABC features two married African
American men raising five children ages 6 to 25. However, the ad was
broadcast before, during and after the inauguration in 42 of California's
58 counties, where Proposition 8 garnered the majority of the vote. In Los
Angeles, the ad appeared on NBC's owned-and-operated affiliate KNBC.

KABC President and General Manger Arnold J. Kleiner attended today's
meeting along with Project Coordinator John Ireland
and GLAAD Director of Entertainment Media Damon Romine. Kleiner explained
that independent of the ad, the station had made a decision that during
the inauguration they would not air any advocacy advertising, regardless
of the content or subject matter.

"I regret that the decision to not air the ad was communicated in a way
that was misleading and inaccurate, and I apologize for the
misunderstanding that resulted," said Kleiner. "Having seen the ads, we
believe these spots are suitable for airing during any day part on our
schedule. Gay and lesbian families are part of our KABC family, and issues
of equality are certainly not a controversial subject for us."

Kudos to GLAAD for getting such a quick resolution on this matter.