New Study Debunks "Zombie Meme" of Blacks and Prop 8

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute released a new study of Proposition 8 voting data (pdf) which shows that the number of Black people who voted for Prop 8 is probably closer to 57-59%, not the 70% originally reported.

The Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition, released the following statement regarding the release of a new study analyzing Proposition 8 voting patterns by race conducted by Professor Kenneth Sherrill of Hunter College and Professor Patrick Egan of New York University that was commissioned by the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Foundation.

"We are heartened that the results of the most comprehensive analysis of the public polling data involving race and Proposition 8 concludes that the most accurate estimate of African American voters who voted Yes on Proposition 8 is 57-59%. Although it is disappointing that a majority of our fellow African Americans apparently voted to eliminate the fundamental right to civil marriage for their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters, we are pleased that the numbers appear to be trending in the direction of fairness and equality.”

“This new report contains further proof that it was irresponsible for members of the LGBT community to blame African Americans for the passage of Proposition 8 and should serve as another rebuke to anyone who repeated and promulgated this divisive and erroneous claim.
The report makes clear that party identification, ideology and religiosity were all far more significant contributing factors in the passage of Proposition 8 than race or ethnicity.”

"As we await the California Supreme Court's decision on the legal status of same-sex marriages entered into between June 17 and November 4 as well as the constitutional fate of Proposition 8 itself the Jordan/Rustin Coalition will continue to work in the many communities we are part of to engage in reasoned dialogue about why all Californians deserve equal standing under the law. We urge all fair-minded individuals to join the discussion."


ABOUT the Barbara Jordan / Bayard Rustin Coalition

The mission of the Barbara Jordan / Bayard Rustin Coalition (or Jordan Rustin Coalition) is to empower Black same-gender loving, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and families in Greater Los Angeles, to promote equal marriage rights and to advocate for fair treatment of everyone without regard to race, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

This idea that Black people are responsible for Proposition 8 passing is what Pam Spaulding has called "the zombie meme" because for some reason it will not die regardless of how much ink is spilled pointing out how ridiculous an idea it is. Hopefully, the Egan/Sherrill Report will do a better job of driving a stake through the heart of the idea for good.