# To be inclusive of the entire coalition of people working for marriage equality, particularly reaching out to communities of color, people of faith, and straight allies.
# To build and strengthen relationships, so that affinity groups and working partnerships can form and thrive.
# To develop trust and create healing from the pain of electoral defeat and its aftermath.
# To disseminate information about what happened on the campaign, and what is currently happening in the movement.
# To nurture new leaders and organizations.
# To create space for activists and leaders to plan next steps and move forward with new projects in partnership.
7:45 a.m. Registration begins. Coffee, Pastries & Networking in Main Room
8 a.m. Shabbat services available with Rabbi Denise L. Eger
9 a.m. OPENING PLENARY SESSION - Looking Backward and Moving Forward
Welcome by State Assemblymember John A. Perez
Presentations from NO on 8 and Let California Ring Staff and Marriage Equality USA
Proposition 8 Post-Election California Voter Survey, presented by David Binder, Consultant to Obama/Biden Campaign
Question & Answer session
Keynote Speech by Eva Paterson, Equal Justice Society
11:20 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS for networking & strategy by interest/constituency:
African American; Asian & Pacific Islander; Faith Communities; Families;
Government/elected officials/legislative advocates;
Grassroots Community Organizers; Labor Unions; Latino; Legal;
Media (Earned and Paid); Netroots/Web 2.0; Transgender; and Youth
12:30 p.m. Lunch break (food court open and available)
1:30 p.m. PLENARY SESSION - Race, Religion & the LGBT Movement
Presentation and Q&A Prop 8 polling data analysis released by
the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute,
by Patrick J.Egan, Ph.D., of New York University, and Kenneth Sherrill, Ph.D., of Hunter College, CUNY
Discussion facilitated by Jan Adams and Bob Wing
3 p.m. Break
3:10 p.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS for networking & strategy by region:
Central Valley/Central Coast/Nor Cal Rural areas; Inland Empire/Coachella Valley;
Los Angeles County; Orange County/Long Beach; Sacramento Area; San Diego area;
San Francisco Bay Area; and Statewide & National
4:10 p.m. Break
4:20 p.m. PLENARY SESSION - What’s Next?
Panel update on legal and electoral issues
Open Source development of strategy ideas from attendees
5:20 p.m. Break, snacks
5:30 p.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS for next step strategy planning
Sessions proposed and led by summit attendees.
6:30 p.m Break, snacks
6:40 p.m. CLOSING PLENARY SESSION - What's Next?
Report back from breakout groups, facilitated by Lawrence Ellis
7:30 p.m. Closing
Hope to see you there!