SD-26: Who will replace Ridley-Thomas in California Senate?

Curren PriceMike Davis

Now that Mark Ridley-Thomas has been sworn in as a Los Angeles County Supervisor, his State Senate seat, representing the 26th District will need to have a special election to pick a replacement. The two most likely contenders are fellow Assemblymembers, Mike Davis (AD-48) and Curren Price (AD-51). They were both elected to the Assembly in 2006 and must leave office in 2012.

Ridley-Thomas is a supporter of civil marriage rights for everyone, while Davis voted against the bill to end marriage discrimination last summer while Price voted in favor of AB 43.

Senate seats are more desirable than Assembly seat because in California, the term is 2 four-year terms (so only one re-election race). Whoever wins the 26th District seat would basically be guaranteed to hold office until 2016. According to Wikipedia, the district is 37% Latino, 28% Black, 11% Asian and 21% White as well as being 68% Democratic. It will be interesting to see if a string Latino contender emerges for this seat which is widely considered a "Black" position.