Opposite-Sex Sodomites: A Response to Black Homophobia

Dr. Sylvia Rhue of the National Black Justice Coalition has written a response to an insanely homophobic screed that appeared in California's largest Black newspaper, the Los Angeles Sentinel, last week.

Cleverly, she uses the same form of the original piece. See below:
Opposite Sex Sodomites:
A Response to Dr. Firpo Carr
By Dr. Sylvia Rhue

I am writing in response to the Dec. 4 op-ed piece entitled, "God Pays Gays With AIDS?' by Dr. Firpo Carr. I have debated Dr. Carr in the past regarding homosexuality and I am turning the tables by using some of Dr. Carr's own words and "logic" to point out the utter absudity of his assertions.

Let me start by saying that if you don't want to hear Godly truth in all it's "gory" detail, you might want to read some other material. I'm about to take the gloves off to reveal the truth behind the heterosexual. A word of caution though: the material presented here is not for the weak-kneed or fainthearted. You are about to go "undercover," embarking upon an behind-the-scenes foray into the sinful, sordid world of the heterosexual lifestyle.

Again, enter at your own risk!

God specifically targeted the heterosexual and destroyed almost the entire lot of them because of their violence and debauchery.

Gen:5-6,12: "And God saw that the wickedness of (heterosexual) man was gre at in the earth , and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made (the heterosexual) man on earth, and it grieved him at his heart .And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt, and all (heterosexual) flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."

God used purging waters to eradicate heterosexuals and their corruption
(Gen.7:21-23). What corruption you ask?

There is a laundry list of diseases and debauchery that are a daily part of the heterosexual lifestyle.

For your reading pleasure, here are a few: hepatitis, anorectal candidiasis, rectal and oral gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum, trichomoniasis, syphilis, parasitic infections, Kaposi's sarcoma, liver infections, Bowen's disease, thrash (and thrush), toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningitis, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, shingles, seborrheic dermatitis,prostatitis, urethritis,scabies, veneral warts and an unfortunate tendency to fake orgasms in the heterosexual female.

While the heterosexual couples I have known have usually struggled to maintain a loving and enduring relationship, most are doomed with an over 50% divorce rate. Heterosexuals are notoriously promiscuous and the sordid sexual activities they engage in are too morally degenerate to divulge here. Not for the faint of heart!

Heterosexuals play at marriage: Janice met Joe, who needed to get married so he wouldn't be deported. They pretended to love each other, had a "wedding" ceremony and he got his green card. Nine months later they had a baby and Joe left, never to be seen again. True story.

Another heterosexual couple went to Las Vegas, got drunk, got married and divorced 48 hours later. True again.

While there are 6 biblical texts that have been interpreted as being against homosexuality, there are 362 admonitions against heterosexuality and the heterosexual lifestyle. Lynn Lavner stated what any thinking person can see: "That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision."

Word for the Week: immutable: Not capable of changing. Usage: "Firpo Carr's pathetic and pathological obsession with homosexuality seems to be immutable."

The orginal piece has been supplemented by a sequel which is just as insanely homophobic as the first! Feel free to drop by the Sentinel website and leave some comments for the author, he tends to reply himself. (Hat/tip to Pam at PHB.)