Lesbian Named Fellow of the AAAS

Rochelle Diamond, founder of the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP) has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science precisely for her work in organizing out LGBT individuals in science.
The announcement was made in the December 19 issue of the association's journal, Science. Diamond is one of 486 new fellows awarded for "socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications," says the AAAS.

The association recognized Diamond for "outstanding technical contributions to the field of cytometry/cell sorting, and for distinguished professional service in development of understanding human diversity in science and engineering.
I have been an email correspondent of Rochelle's for nearly 20 years, although I have never met her. Regardless, I am very supportive of her work, and replicated it somewhat when I co-founded a silmilar organization for Mathematicians in 1995. Congratulations, Rochelle!