Focus on the Family Announces More Lay Offs

One happy side of the economic downturn is

Focus on the Family is poised to announce major layoffs to its Colorado Springs-based ministry and media empire today. The cutbacks come just weeks after the group pumped more than half a million dollars into the successful effort to pass a gay-marriage ban in California.

Critics are holding up the layoffs, which come just two months after the organization's last round of dismissals, as a sad commentary on the true priorities of ministry.


In all, Focus pumped $539,000 in cash and another $83,000 worth of non-monetary support into the measure to overturn a California Supreme Court ruling that allowed gays and lesbians to marry in that state. The group was the seventh-largest donor to the effort in the country. The cash contributions are equal to the salaries of 19 Coloradans earning the 2008 per capita income of $29,133.

So after spending more than a half-million dollars to attempt to divorce me and 18,000 other same-sex couples, Focus on the Family is having to lay off employees? Couldn't happen to a bunch off better bigots.

However, note that Focus on the Family's estimated 1500 employees is more than the entire number of people working at ALL THE 50 STATEWIDE LGBT ORGANIZATIONS in the country. Despite this setback, the heterosexual supremacists are more likely to be able to out-raise, out-spend and out-organize the "good guys" for LGBT equality.