Fight For Equality In California Surpasses $73 Million!

The cost of the campaign to eliminate the right to marry for same-sex couples in California has now exceeded 73,692,704 dollars. This is more than twice the amount of money that was spent on the first twenty-seven anti-gay ballot measures combined. It should be noted that the forces of equality have previously won only one those 27 races (Arizona's Proposition 107 in 2006). The two other anti-gay ballot measures this year are in Arizona (again!) and Florida. The total amount of money spent in both of those races is less than $10 million.

The Proposition 8 ballot measure fight is now the most expensive electoral ballot in the history of social issue initiative campaigns.

I want to thank readers for donating more than our $1,000 dollar goal to NO ON PROP 8. But we need you to do more.

I am posting the amount for people to realize exactly how serious this battle is. The polls have consistently shown this race within the margin of error and it will be won or lost in the turnout
of who shows up to vote. Regardless of what happens in the Presidential election, we must encourage everyone who is registered to vote to come out to vote and vote NO ON PROP 8. It's unfair and wrong for the Mormon church to impose their religious view on marriage on all Californians by amending our state Constitution.

Please tell all your friends, families and neighbors to vote No on Proposition 8, and if you can, please volunteer to get the word out to voters on Election Day.