Bill Clinton Asks Millions Of California To Vote NO ON PROP 8

Got home on Friday night to a phone message on the machine from none other than William Jefferson Clinton, the most recent (before Tuesday!) Democrat elected President of the United States, urging a NO vote on Proposition 8:

"This is Bill Clinton calling to ask you to vote NO on Proposition 8 on Tuesday, November 4th. Proposition 8 would use state law to single out one group of Californians to be treated differently -- discriminating against members of our family, our friends and our co-workers.

"If I know one thing about California, I know that is not what you're about. That is not what America is about. Please vote NO on 8. It's unfair and it's wrong. Thank you."
That's pretty cool. In order to defeat Proposition 8, we will need Democratic voters to oppose it as vehemently as Republicans are passionately supporting it. "Big Dog's" robocall could make the difference.