YES ON 8 Attempting To Coerce Donations From NO ON 8 Donors

The heterosexual supremacists (primarily members of the Mormon Church) who are proponents of Proposition 8 are beginning to panic now that they are behind in the polls and behind in the amount of money raised with just over a week until election day.

But even MadProfessah was pretty surprised to read these blogosphere reports about the people trying to eliminate gay couples right to marry would stoop to blackmail. Click on the video below to see a local San Diego television station's story about the threatening letters prominent donors to the NO ON PROP 8 campaign have been receiving, demanding donations of equal amounts to their misbegotten cause to write discrimination into the California Constitution. These letters were signed by Mark Jansson, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Chief Legal Counsel for the YES ON 8 campaign.