NO ON PROP 8 Needs $3m in 3 Days--Or Else!

Geoff Kors, executive director of Equality California and member of the NO ON PROP 8 Executive Committee sent out an urgent email Wednesday reporting that on Tuesday the heterosexual supremacists reported a surge in fundraising. His response is to appeal for $3 million in 3 days (by Friday Midnight).

Yesterday, the other side reported donations of $2.2 million, dwarfing the $255,650 we reported, and called on their donors to contribute another $3 million. With this enormous sum of money they are buying every available ad space on TV in California to blast even more of their hateful lies and prevent our messages from being seen.

Unless we raise $3 million in the next three days we will likely lose.

An EQCA member recently told me that their gift was five times more than they had ever given and suggested that everyone do the same. So today, I am increasing my donation to NO on 8 to $50,000. I’m doing this because I know I must if we hope to win.And I’m asking you to increase your gift too – at whatever amount you can, so that we can match the other side on the air. Please increase your gift today.

Last night the brilliant movie “Milk” premiered at the Castro Theater in San Francisco. The film is a poignant reminder of the ultimate sacrifice Harvey Milk made to advance our rights and how much Harvey, and so many others, gave to stop the Anita Bryant-led anti-gay movement that was sweeping the country and the Briggs Initiative – exactly 30 years ago. It’s now up to us to shape the next 30 years.

Thanks to each of you who have sacrificed in this critical fight for our equality. Please join me in making another gift and asking everyone you know to do the same.

It is that important.

With respect, admiration and appreciation,

Geoff Kors
Executive Director
Equality California

UPDATE: As of 11:30pm on Wednesday October 29th the NO ON PROP 8 and SAY NO ON AMENDMENT 2 websites fighting the California and Florida constitutional amendments to eliminate marriage rights (and domestic partnerships in Florida) for same-sex couples have been under an internet "Denial Of Service" attack which has crippled the sites and clearly limited their ability to raise money online.

However, you can still give money to defeat Proposition 8 via the ACTBLUE website that has been using. We are currently at two-thirds of our goals with only 40 hours remaining until November 1! Please click on the thermometer in the top right and consider giving some amount ($5, $10, $25 or more!) online to preserve equality, particularly to spite the people who deliberately are attempting to sabotage our efforts to raise money online.

REMEMBER: all donations made before November 1 will be matched by MadProfessah!