Heterosexual Supremacists Ask For Debate On Prop 8

Frank Schubert, the campaign head of the ProtectMarriage campaign yesterday sent a letter to Steve Smith, the head of the No on Prop 8 campaign proposing a live, 30-minute debate on November 1st or 2nd. This was was Smith's response:

Frank Schubert
Campaign Manager, protectmarriage.com – Yes on 8
1415 L Street, Suite C-259
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Frank:
Thank you for your letter. It would be a disservice to the people of California to debate an issue
that is completely unrelated to Proposition 8.
As you know:

Jack O’Connell, the state’s top educator and the nonpartisan-elected Superintendent of Public Instruction says Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools and that your campaign’s use of children to make this false claim is “shameful.”

Delaine Eastin, his predecessor, says Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools.

Dr. Ted Mitchell, the President of the State Board of Education, says Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools.

His predecessor, Reed Hastings, says Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools.

The California Teachers Association says Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools.

And leading newspapers have concluded Prop. 8 has nothing to do with schools.

The only debate worth having in California is why you have pursued such a deceptive campaign strategy.

That debate is one you can conduct alone – with your conscience.

Steve Smith
Campaign Manager
NO on Prop 8

Today is October 29th, "Write To Marry" Day in the blogosphere. Perhaps, you would like to write a letter to Frank Schubert expressing your views on his campaign to eliminate fundamental rights for gay and lesbian couples?