Combating Homophobia in the Black Community Through Media and Organizing

Attendees at a recent press conference featuring
Black leaders opposed to California's Proposition 8

People for the American Way's eductaional foundation has a long-term project to eliminate homophobia in the Black church and African American communities. In light of this, and the current media interest in Black people and homophobia, it is interesting that PFAW has started a public education campaign that includes airing radio ads on Black stations that directly address marriage equality in the Black community. Below are the scripts for the ads and you can click on the links to hear them:

"Economics 101"
A lot of us are struggling to make ends meet. Soaring gas prices, foreclosures, outsourcing of our jobs. Politicians make bad decisions that we all pay for. But some people are trying to tell us the real threat to our families comes from gay couples trying to get married. Who are they kidding? Not me. It's wrong to support discrimination of any kind.
Click to listen to the ad

I'm excited about the chance for positive change this year. But while we break down the walls that divide, let's not leave any of our brothers and sisters behind. We know that gay people are part of our families and churches, so why would we tolerate them being discriminated against? Who are we to judge? Discrimination is wrong no matter what form it takes.
Click to listen to the ad

"Supportive Dad"
My wife and I have been married for 35 years, and I'm grateful for every day. This year we're celebrating that my baby girl and the woman she loves were able to get the legal protections that only marriage can provide. I think it's wrong for the government to discriminate against loving and committed couples. It's wrong for our community to support discrimination. It's just wrong.
Click to listen to the ad

I think these are excellent and commend PFAW for its work in this area. I wish more liberal institutions were interested in the issues of addressing homophobia in the Black community as well as racism in the LGBT community. I feel that both issues need to be urgently addressed by organizations, and that is one of the main missions of the Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition.

On Saturday November 1 the JRC is hosting a Community Leadership training from 10am-4pm at eth Lucy Florence Cultural Center in Los Angeles for people who are interested in developing skills and obtaining information for how to increase the political power of Black LGBT people in Los Angeles. The cost is a mere $10 to cover food and materials.

MadProfessah will be in attendance! I hope to see you there as well. To RSVP, email VIRSIL'at'