California Teachers Association Donates $1M To Defeat Prop 8

I guess the heterosexual supremacists don't feel so good about lying about the impact of Proposition 8 on schoolchildren now, hmmm?

Rule Number 1 in California politics is don't piss off the unions. The powerful California Teachers Asssociation reported Tuesday that it was donating one million dollars to defeat Proposition 8, on top of a $250, 000 donation MadProfessah reported the union had previously made at Equality California's Los Angeles dinner in early August. This $1.25m total makes the CTA the largest institutional donor (so far!) to Equality For All, the umbrella group coordinating the NO ON PROP 8 campaign.
Union spokeswoman Sandra Jackson says CTA's 800-member policy body voted overwhelmingly to oppose the gay marriage ban. Jackson says the issue concerns educators because "teachers teach the importance of equal rights for all." She says CTA leaders made the second contribution this week because the No campaign seems to be struggling.
Thank you so much to the CTA. They get why Prop 8 is important, and they put their money where their mouth is. Other progressive forces have stepped up as, well. Will you?