21 Days Left: How Much Is Equality Worth To You?

Geoff Kors, executive director of Equality California sent out this e-mail blast today:

The latest tracking polls show that if the election were held today among voters who have seen both our ads and the other side’s ads that we would WIN!

Unfortunately, we don’t have sufficient funds to get our ads seen by all
the voters who’ve seen the other side’s ads. So it’s that simple…without more
funds we’ll lose.

But we will win if we have enough money to reach
voters. So DONATE NOW!

A powerful array of motivated groups have organized against us. Yesterday’s Sacramento Bee reported that:

“Mormons…have emerged as the leading financial contributors to the controversial Nov. 4 ballot measure. Church members have donated about 40 percent of the $22.8 million raised to pass the initiative since July.”
What is also unfortunate is that only 30,000 people have donated to the
No on 8 campaign compared to the 60,000 who have donated to the other side.

In a state with about two million LGBT people, in a country with
millions more and tens of millions of straight allies, we have to get everyone
to support this fight. If every LGBT person donates we can win!

Yesterday’s Sacramento Bee also reported on the sacrifices being made by
members of the Yes on 8 campaign:

"That's why Auburn resident David Nielson, 55, is giving…He and his wife, Susan, live on a budget. The couple donated $35,000, he said, "because some things are worth fighting for." The couple will forgo a vacation for the next two years and make other sacrifices to pay for their donation, he said.”
So, what is your equality worth to you? What is your equality worth to your friends and family? How much will you sacrifice for your own freedom?

I donated yesterday (again) and I will match all donations (up to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS) made by MadProfessah.com readers at the MadProfessah.com Equality For All page.