NYT Prints Letters To Editor on Obama/Prop 8 Article

The New York Times printed two letters to the editor in response to the article from last Sunday in which I was quoted a number of times that discussed the reality of Black gay lives and the politics of Proposition 8 and Barack Obama's candidacy for President.

One letter is from Alice Huffman, President of the California State Conference of the NAACP and reads:
To the Editor:

Same-Sex Marriage Ban Is Tied to Obama Factor,” a Sept. 21 Political Memo about marriage equality and the voting patterns of African-Americans, does not examine the differences and attitudes among specific demographics of our community.

African-Americans are not monolithically homophobic. I have worked closely with many African-American community leaders and supporters of full rights for gay men and lesbians, including the right to marry in California.

Black voters across this country have repeatedly elected African-American officials who support equality for gay and lesbian citizens. In California, these officials include Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally and Willie L. Brown Jr., the former mayor of San Francisco.

Both blacks and whites have been divided on the issue, and race appears to be less of a determinant than age, gender and party affiliation on black voters’ views on marriage equality.

The news media narrative of blacks versus gays on the issue of marriage for same-sex couples should include the diverse views, values and opinions held in our community.

Alice A. Huffman
Sacramento, Sept. 24, 2008

The other letter is from Sean Cahill, who used to head the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's think tank, the Policy Institute. His letter says:
To the Editor:

Re “Same-Sex Marriage Ban Is Tied to Obama Factor,” which says opponents of the marriage ban are worried that black voters, who are traditionally conservative on this issue, will turn out in high numbers in the November election:

The anti-gay movement has long sought to pit gay people and black people against each other, portraying the two communities as mutually exclusive.

Ironically, the anti-gay policies of the Christian right, such as the attempted repeal of marriage equality in California, pose a disproportionate threat to black same-sex couples.

According to 2000 census data that we analyzed at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, black same-sex couples are twice as likely as white same-sex couples to be raising children. They earn less and are less likely to own their homes. This is especially true of black lesbian couples.

Denying the protections that come with marriage disproportionately hurts the ability of black gay men and lesbians to save money, provide for their children, buy a house or prepare for retirement.

Sean Cahill
New York, Sept. 24, 2008

The writer, who was director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute from 2001 to 2007, is managing director, public policy, at Gay Men’s Health Crisis.

I agree with the sentiments expressed in both letters. It's great to see these issues aired in the national paper of record! Let's hope it continues.