Barack Obama is to John McCain As ______ is to ______?

An amusing contest over at Daily Kos:

Barack Obama is to John McCain as _____ is to ________.

The winners were:

Barack Obama is John McCain as Jay-Z is to Vanilla Ice.


Barack Obama is to John McCain as Lando Calrissian is to [The] Emperor.

Personally, I think my Obama-McCain analogy is " Barack Obama is to John McCain as Superman is to Supertramp" but these are also pretty good:

Barack Obama is to John McCain as...

as a roller coaster is to a nap.
as Superman is to Grumpy Old Men.
as Today is to Yesterday.
as new hotness is to old and busted.
as Surprise birthday party is to a funeral.
as a Wii is to shuffleboard.
as expanding prosperity is to expanding prostate.
as the glass is half full to the glass is half empty.
as the Terminator is the to the Terminex guy.
as the Wire is to JAG.
as a PhD is to a GED.
as indoor plumbing is to a chamber pot.
as Michael Phelps is to Mike Wallace.
as superman is to Mr. Magoo.
as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is to Commander-in-Chief of the Arm Chair.

Barack Obama is to John McCain...

as a CAT scan is to bloodletting.
as the iPhone is to a tin can and string.
as Alec Baldwin is to Daniel Baldwin.
as Robin Hood is to a robber baron.
as orange juice is to metamucil.
as Groundhog Day is to Osmosis Jones.
as Sears is to Reobucks.
as Electric Mail ("e-mail") is to the pony express.
as Jet Blue is to the old union carbide.
as John F. Kennedy is to Richard M. Nixon.
as G.O.A.T. cheese is to musty, rotten old cheese.
as the next President is to the next runner up.
as Ronald Reagan in 1980 is to Ronald Reagan in 1988.
as Prozac is to Ambien.
as my new bicycle is to my jalopy.
as my favorite cousin is to my crazy uncle.
as "yes we can" is to "get off my lawn!"
as arugula is to cabbage.

What's yours?