Bartlett's Farmers' Market: Bumpy Start

The Bartlett is a gorgeous spot for a farmers' market, but they've got some kinks to work out. As it opened at 10, there was very little parking up close, so cars had to turn around and park somewhere else. I don't know where, because my friend did a U-turn and drove over a curb to get us the last good spot. We walked down, trailing people carrying their reusable bags... and there were only four tents. The FM was tiny. Then... a dog ran out of the woods and ate three pies off the pie stand!

Of course, the only people there at 10:10 were oldish people and youngish moms, but one brave lady stepped forward to at least get the aluminum plate out of the rascal's mouth. Then, his harried owner emerged from the forest and dragged him away as we all scowled at her.

I had to leave at 10:20, and there was at least one more stand setting up as I left, so maybe the teensy market got bigger. However, on my previous post, Irene commented today, "They've got to work on the Farmers Market, I don't think they expected the crowd that showed up: I was there at 10:30, parking was at a premium, and some vegetables were already sold out."

The market has great potential. I am optimistic that the Bartlett will use this as a learning experience, and that with the enthusiastic crowd as motivation, more sellers will come. There was a big crowd and the Bartlett is gorgeous. There was only one produce area spread out under two tents, so I'd have to say it was... 1/8 the size of the Saturday market on Bedford? However, what the Bartlett did have looked good. There were nice-smelling candles for 10 bucks, honey from the Bartlett and robust vegetables. I only bought a pie, so I can't comment on how reasonable the veggie prices were. Were there any fruits there? I don't recall seeing any.

Check out my pics of the market on flickr. Evvvvvvvvvvvveryone was toting their reusable bags!

I, as usual, forgot mine.