Obama Raises $31m, Clinton Raises $22m, McCain $19m

The April Federal Election Commision financial reports are in (they are due at 11:59pm on the 20th day of each month).

Barack Obama had a bad fundraising month (for him). He only raised $31m, for the first time spending more in the month of April than he brought in, but still ended the month with April 30th with $47 million in the bank.

In a continued expansion of Obama's fundraising network, his campaign reported nearly 1.5 million donors since he started raising money for his presidential race. With such extraordinary numbers behind him, Obama appears to have access to a continuing flow of money, though his April total was his smallest haul this year. Overall, he has raised close to $265 million in his White House bid.


But Clinton reported only about $8 million cash on hand for the primary. (She has $22 million set aside for the general election that she can't use.) She also reported $19.5 million in debts, including $10 million she has lent her campaign. Even without the loan, Clinton was in negative cash position. The loan amount also did not include an extra $1.4 million she put into her campaign in May.
Clinton has raised a totalof $200 million since her presidential campaign began but currently finds herself behind in number of states won, number of pledged delegates, number of superdelegates and is $20 million in debt.

And her supporters are suprised that people are asking why she hasn't quit yet?