Filming on Vine St. in Stamford!

Sorry for the delay in posting; it's too rainy anyway to get very good access to the set. If you get a chance this evening, drive by Vine just by the corner of Newfield Ave by the JCC. Farlanders, starring Maggie Gyllenhall, Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski, is filming! Thank you to readers for sending tips via the DeNiro post! I would have otherwise had no clue, so I really appreciate it.

I drove by and didn't really consider stopping; it's rainy, no one else is outside, and I'm assuming all filming is happening indoors. There were huge lights blasting onto both the front and back of the blue two story 70's-era colonial. I actually forgot my camera today, so I couldn't even get a paparazza-like shot even though I drove by four times. For some reason, this week's film sets are not showing up on the website I check for those tips, so if readers could email if you see anything, that would be great, and we will totally, eventually, get ourselves a story.

I will try to get info up sooner during the day next time. I'm adjusting to going back to full time work while still doing the part time work I was doing before, so I don't have my new daily routine under control yet. Being busy sucks because it means I am disorganized and therefore grumpy. My mind is very scattered, so if I don't have time to regroup on a regular basis, things go bad. Real bad. But I think they are getting better. I took a good nap on my (home) office floor yesterday from 530-630pm. Refreshing! Ha! I have to laugh at myself. I am just pathetic.

I'll get more details on Farlander up soon but right now I am off to eat at Capriccio, site of the only affordable healthy interesting food in Stamford. I always get the Mia salad with grilled portobello, sundried tomatoes, and chicken.