CA Supreme Court To Announce (Favorable?) Marriage Decision Thursday

Joe.My.God has a post up with a link to a bulletin that the California Supreme Court made available this morning, announcing that a written ruling in the "same-sex marriage case" In Re Marriage Cases will be made available at 10am on Thursday. Here's the bulletin in its entirety:

The Supreme Court has indicated that the filing of a written opinion in the following
case(s) is forthcoming. At the filing time designated below, the filed opinion(s) will be accessible at the judicial branch web site ( and copies will be made available at the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office.

[Generally, the description set out with regard to each case is reproduced from the original news release issued when review in the matter was granted, and is provided for the convenience of the public and the press. The description does not necessarily reflect the view of the court, or define the specific issues that will be addressed by the court.]

S147999 (A110449, A110450, A110451, A110463, A110651, A110652
San Francisco County JCCP – 4365)
Argued in San Francisco 3-04-08
This case includes the following issue: Does California’s statutory ban on marriage
between two persons of the same sex violate the California Constitution by denying equal protection of the laws on the basis of sexual orientation or sex, by infringing on the fundamental right to marry, or by denying the right to privacy and freedom of expression?

Opinion(s) in the above case(s) will be filed on:
Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.

The Los Angeles Times has also published the story on its website. It should be noted that heterosexual supremacists claim to have filed 1.1 million signatures with the Secretary of State attempting to qualify an Initiative Constitutional Amendment on the ballot, which if approved by voters on November 4th would ban sam-sex marriage in California and repeal any favorable decision released by the court tomorrow. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, while vetoing twice bills that would legalize same-sex marriage in California, has already announced his opposition to any ballot measure banning same-sex marriage.

Although previous rumors were that the ruling would be negative, the latest rumors in activist circles expect a positive ruling in favor of marriage equality for same-sex couples.

Of course all this is happening as Mad Professah is going on vacation to Puerto Vallarta Thursday thru Monday!