King had been living at Casa Pacifica, a Ventura County foster care home for abused and neglected children.
The Los Angeles Times has some information on the motive:
Police have not determined a motive in the slaying but said it appeared to stem from a personal dispute between King and the suspect.Surprisingly, I haven't seen any quotes from State Senator Sheila Kuehl, who has probably done the most to promote the protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth in California of any elected official in the state.
But several students at the south Oxnard campus said King and his alleged assailant had a falling out stemming from King's sexual orientation.
The teenager sometimes wore feminine clothing and makeup, and proclaimed he was gay, students said.
"He would come to school in high-heeled boots, makeup, jewelry and painted nails -- the whole thing," said Michael Sweeney, 13, an eighth-grader. "That was freaking the guys out."
Student Juan Sandoval, 14, said he shared a fourth-period algebra class with the suspect, whom he described as a calm, smart student who played on the basketball team. "I didn't think he was that kind of kid," Sandoval said. "I guess you never know. He made a big mistake."
"Their lives are both destroyed now," said student Hansley Rivera, 12.
Several students said that a day before the shooting, King and several boys had some kind of altercation during the lunch period.
If the suspect targeted King because of his sexual orientation, the case could rise to the level of a hate crime, authorities said.
MadProfessah, like Joe.My.God, will also be following this story closely. Since I don't believe in the death penalty I disagree with others who are calling for retribution for the shooter, but I do believe that a 14-year-old can be tried as an adult, especially when the crime involves loss of life.