FC Moms Online!

I just found a nice site for Moms in the FC, called Fairfield County Child. It's run by a Stamford resident, OF COURSE. This town is teeming with smart, energetic people who are taking the search for fun activities into their own hands!

Here's a little selection from the Advocate article:
The 31-year-old Stamford resident, whose daughter, Mia, was nearly a year old, had decided one day last year that "it was time to get her out of the house." But her search wasn't really that simple and took far longer than she had planned. She found herself scrolling through the pages of many area bookstores and libraries.

I wish I had kids so I could avail myself of this site. When it comes down to it, I just want to do fun stuff. I'm pretty opportunistic that about it. I'll sing, dance, read, and go to Kwanzaa fest, all in the name of making friends. If I had a kid, I'd be hitting playgroup after playgroup to try to meet other cool moms. I actually already have my domain name ready for when I have kids. My husband balked at buying it, asking why I needed to get it years ahead of time, but I pitched a big fit, and we got it.