Happily, the very handsome and pleasant James (who unfortunately made one of the most boneheaded moves ever in Survivor history which resulted in him being voted out while holding two special talismans that confer immunity if played at the right time) was awarded a $100, 000 prize by Sprint for the most popular Survivor contestant.MadProfessah thinks that the "popularity consolation prize" of $100k is a good addition by the producers to the show. Denise Martin, the mullet-wearing 40-year-old non-lesbian was given a $50, 000 donation by Mark Burnett, the executive producer and creator of Survivor, upon hearing that the $7-an-hour lunch lady had been demoted to a janitor at her elementary school. Denise was the last member of the jury to be decided when Amanda made the fatal decision NOT to renege on her Day 1 alliance with Todd and instead ended up receiving only 1 vote from the jury, even less than the odious Courtney (2 votes) and eventual obnoxious winner, Todd.