Florida Heterosexual Supremacists Force Vote To Amend State Constitution

Pam Spaulding alerts her readers that the heterosexual supremacists at Florida4Marriage and Liberty Counsel have apparently qualified a ballot measure to amend the Florida state constitution by adding these words: "Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."

Happily, Florida has changed its election laws so now a initiative constitutional amendment must get 60% support of voters in November 2008 in order to go into effect.

The main opponents to the measure will be Equality Florida and a straight ally group called Florida Red & Blue.

As Nadine Smith, executive director of EQFL, says:

They picked a fight in Florida in 2008 for one reason - Florida is a must win Presidential battleground. This is yet another cynical attempt to elect the most right wing candidates by ensuring prejudice drive their voters to the polls. That is why this isn't just a battle for Floridians. Everyone reading this has a stake in what happens at the polls in Florida come November.


Polling across the country and in Florida shows that the far right has gone to the well too often and voters are not buying the attempt to demonize gay couples and attack unmarried people.


We can win in Florida. We can defeat this in a battleground state with the whole world watching.


Get your friends, retired relatives, ex-girlfriends, classmates...who live in Florida to sign the Pledge To Vote NO petition.
Invite friends to join the FairnessForAllFamilies Facebook group.
Send a note of encouragement to the students, seniors, staff, phone bankers, canvassers, and all the volunteers working hard to drive a final stake through the heart of these meanspirited political wedge issues that make it harder for our families to protect and care for each other.

Give 'em hell, Nadine!