Migden-Leno Primary Race Gets Even Uglier

The Los Angeles Times and other political circles are buzzing about reports that openly gay Assembymam Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) has filed a Fair Political Practices Commission complaint against openly lesbian State Senator Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) who are both vying for the same legislative post in the June 2008 statewide primary.
State officials are trying to determine if Migden used credit cards to charge $397,000 in expenses without disclosing who was initially paid and for what, according to the newspaper. If Migden is found to be in violation with campaign finance laws, she could face up to $60,000 in administrative fines.

"We're working with the FPPC to address some issues, to resolve some errors that were self-reported," Migden told the newspaper, adding that the lack of itemization of credit card expenses "would be part and parcel of that."


She had previously been charged with violations and fined a total of $110,600 for failing to disclose donations by deadlines set in state law, including twice last year.


State officials launched the investigations of Migden's expenses after they received a formal complaint from Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who is running against Migden in the upcoming election.


"It goes right to the heart of the cynicism voters have about the political process," he said.
Umm, yeah, right Mark. Does this really help you make the case that you're the most qualified candidate to repesent the people of the 3rd Senatorial District of California?

Mad Professah has been following this race for quite awhile and has family members living in the district. I intend to make an endorsement in the race before the June primary. Let's hope that the race can be fought on the issues of importance to the voters of San Francisco and not turn into an internecine personality fight.