Another L.A. Firefighter Sues Over Discrimination

The Los Angeles Times reported last week about another firefighter who is claiming discriminatory practices are prevalent in the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Previously Mad Professah has been blogging about multiple examples of firefighters claiming race, sex, and sexual orientation discrimination by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department for months. This time, it is the County Fire Department which apparently punished a firefighter who tried to stop homophobic comments about another firefighter who was thought to be gay.

Firefighter Gonzalo Salgado is suing the Los Angeles County Fire Department, alleging retaliation and hostile treatment after he told colleagues to stop making derogatory conversation about another firefighter perceived to be gay.


Salgado was unreasonably punished for allegedly losing equipment, was transferred to four different fire stations in as many months and was passed over for promotion, according to the lawsuit complaint.


Salgado, 46, had complained to the county Office of Affirmative Action Compliance and to the Fire Department's employee relations officials. Salgado alleges in the complaint that the Fire Department took years to complete its investigation, which he said was sloppily conducted.

Official reviews found no pattern of mistreatment toward Salgado, according to county investigation records, but did conclude that department managers did not appropriately report the conversation about a firefighter's perceived sexual orientation.

The complaint alleges that Salgado's supervisor, Capt. Lee Gregory, "attempted to minimize the inflammatory nature of the discussion by contending that it was a joke." Fire Department employee relations officials recommended discipline for the gossiping firefighters, but none was imposed, according to the complaint.