San Diego Mayor Switches Position In Favor of Gay Marriage

The Republican mayor of San Diego, Jerry Sanders, gave a tearful press conference on Wednesday in which he announced he had changed his mind and now he was supporting gay marriage. The San Diego City Council had passed a resolution by a vote of 5-3 in favor of joining a lawsuit before the California Supreme Court which challenges the current discriminatory marriage law. Mayor Sanders had initially announced he would veto it, but on Wednesday he indicated he would sign it into law on when it reached his desk. San Diego, California's second largest city, joins Los Angeles (we're #1!), San Francisco, San Jose, Long Beach and Santa Cruz who have passed similar resolutions. Hmmm, if one Republican chief executive can change his mind on the question of marriage equality, maybe Governor Schwarzenegger will also? Rex Wockner, Joe.My.God and Pam have more coverage.