A Call For a National AIDS Strategy

Over 100 organizations, agencies and associations working in the field of combating HIV/AIDS banned together to issue a statement calling for a National AIDS Strategy on Monday.

  • Strengthen prevention and treatment results through use of
    evidence-based programs;
  • Establish prevention and treatment targets and require annual
    progress reports;

  • Define priorities for action in federal agencies and assign
    tasks and timelines;

  • Include the prevention and treatment needs of minorities and
    high-risk groups as a main focus;

  • Address social elements that increase susceptibility to HIV;

  • Encourage more HIV prevention and treatment research; and

  • Involve multiple sectors -- including government, business,
    civil rights groups, faith-based organizations, researchers and
    HIV-positive people -- in developing the strategy

The hope is that having a National AIDS Strategy proposed will raise the profile of the issue of HIV/AIDS in the presidential race, and highlights the fact of what is currently lacking in national AIDS policy.