The Los Angeles Mayoral Marriage Curse Continues...

The Los Angeles blogs and media are buzzing with the news that Corina Villaraigosa, wife of current Los Angeles Mayor and Latino Political "It" Boy Antonio Villaraigosa filed for divorce Tuesday a little more than 24 hours after the Mayor held a press briefing about the dissolution of his mariage for reporters.

Most commentators are notcing the pattern of marital problems in the heads of Los Angeles and San Francisco (In February Mayor Gavin Newsom admitted to an affair with the wife of one of his longtime top aides and checked himself into an alcohol treatment program).

However, to Mad Professah (and others) the interesting aspect of this story is the fact that the last three Mayors of Los Angeles have all seen their marriages dissolve.
  1. Antonio Villaraigosa was inaugurated Mayor on July 1, 2005 and announced he was moving out of the mayoral residence of Getty House and that he and his wife Corina were separating on Friday June 8.

  2. Prior to Villaraigosa, James K. Hahn was Mayor from 2001-2005. In July 2003, Hahn announced that he was separating from his wife Monica (who it is widely rumored went on to live with another woman), leaving their teenaged kids in the custody of Mayor Hahn.

  3. Prior to Hahn, bilionaire Richard Riordan was mayor of Los Angeles from 1993-2001. Although his marriage survived his mayoralty, on June 1, 2007 it was announced that the 77-year-old former mayor was filing for a legal spearation from his wife of nine years, Nancy Daly Riordan.