The Jeri Kehn Brouhaha

The blogosphere is a-buzz over Fred Dalton Thompson entering the presidential race and the fact that his wife is 24 years younger than him and attractive. The first picture that I saw of the two of them together was rather shocking. In fact, she looked about 24 years old instead of simply 24 years younger than Thompson. Here is the photo (Via Poliblog)

I decided to search around and see if I could find some other photos to get a better idea of whether or not this was a truly representative picture of what they normally looked like together, or if it was more of an anomaly. These are the other pictures I found.

Found at Free Republic

Their wedding photo via World Net Daily

Found at Hyscience

To me, the original picture I saw is the most shocking of them all. In the bottom picture she looks more like she should be a young intern in his office than his wife. However, in some of the other pictures they look like a darn well normal couple. I feel like, if she goes out on the campaign trail with him, there is no reason to assume that they won't look like a relatively normal couple, if she makes any effort what-so-ever to cultivate an age-appropriate look. She is 40 for heaven sake. It's not like he is really robbing the cradle. However, I don't plan to vote in the Republican Primary anyway, so my opinion matters very little in this whole debate anyway. So anyway, I have gathered the photo evidence that I could find. You decide if it is problematic or not.