Bloomberg - all over the political map

Via Reuters - NY Mayor Bloomberg becoming an independent
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, often mentioned as a possible third-party 2008 presidential candidate, said on Tuesday he was changing his political status to independent from Republican.

"Although my plans for the future haven't changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our city," said Bloomberg, who has said he has no plans to run for president.

Bloomberg, the billionaire founder of financial data and media firm Bloomberg LP, was a Democrat who became a Republican to run for mayor in 2001. He was re-elected as a Republican in 2005 and is barred from seeking a third term in 2009.
And they called Kerry a flip-flopper in 2004. How does one spin this to not look like the mother of all flip-flops? But then again, he says he's not running for President in 2008. I can't imagine why the mayor of New York would be behaving like this if he wasn't:
He has crisscrossed the country, visiting 20 cities in the past 18 months, according to the New York Post. He traveled on Monday in California, giving speeches in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

He was quoted as telling Google employees in California that the country was "really in trouble."
I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for it though. . .