Back in the Slammer Again

CNN - Paris Hilton ordered back to jail
Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted from a courtroom and ordered back to jail Friday after a judge, overruling the county sheriff, said she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.
It is good to know that for once in her life she won't get to do exactly what she wants.
Back before Sauer on Friday, Hilton's entire body trembled as the final pitch was made for her further incarceration. She clutched a ball of tissue, and tears ran down her face.

Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith."

Hilton screamed.

Eight deputies immediately ordered all spectators out of the courtroom. Hilton's mother, Kathy, threw her arms around her husband, Rick, and sobbed uncontrollably.

Deputies escorted Hilton out of the room, holding each of her arms as she looked back.
If you've seen video of her before going to jail the first time, it is quite obvious that the few days she spent there had an extreme effect on her. Maybe knowing what it is like and knowing that her parents and high priced lawyers can't always get her out of the messes she gets herself into will straighten her out a little bit. It seems obvious that she is desperate to not go back.