Keith Boykin Quoted Dissing Oprah

Oh my! Black gay blogger Keith "I love Oprah Winfrey" Boykin but was quoted in Tuesday's New York Times business section ("Beyond Books: Oprah Winfrey’s Seal of Approval Goes Presidential") discounting the impact of Queen of All Media's endorsement of Barack Obama for president on Larry King's show on CNN:
Keith Boykin, a frequent commentator on CNN who was a classmate of Mr. Obama at Harvard Law School and worked in the Clinton White House, said Ms. Winfrey’s endorsement did not mean Mr. Obama was a shoo-in for president. “Oprah was behind the movie ‘Beloved,’ and it was a flop, so it’s not true that everything she touches turns to gold,” he said.
Well, first of all Keith is correct. Beloved was a hot mess. But do you really want to be quoted in the New York Times dissing a billionaire?