Anti-Gay Marriage Consititutional Amendment Filed in California

A poster named Karen in Kalifornia at Pam's House Blend alerted me to Equality California's acknowledgement that heterosexual supremacists Larry Bowler and Randy Thomasson at have filed a Initiative Constitutional Amendment with the California Attorney General's Initiative Coordinator that would prohibit marriage equality between heterosexuals and gay men and lesbians.
Section 1 : Title
This amendment is The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative.

Section 2: Marriage for One Man and One Woman Benefits Children, Families, and Society
The People of California have a compelling responsibility to protect the essence of
marriage by ensuring that the civil institution of marriage between one man and one woman is not abolished or diminished. The People find that marriage between one man and one woman is diminished when government decreases statutory rights, incidents, or employee benefits of marriage shared by one man and one woman, or when government requires private entities to offer or provide rights, incidents, or benefits of marriage to unmarried individuals, or when government bestows statutory rights, incidents, or employee benefits of marriage on
unmarried individuals. The People further find and declare that it is in a child's best interest to have both a father and a mother, and that marriage rights for one man and one woman must be protected for the well-being of children, families, and society.

Section 3: Vote Yes to Protect Marriage fiom being Abolished or Diminished
Section 1.1 of Article I of the Constitution is added to read:
SEC. 1.1. Only marriage between one man and one woman is valid or recognized in
California, whether contracted in this state or elsewhere. Neither the Legislature nor any court, government institution, government agency, initiative statute, local government, or government official shall abolish the civil institution of marriage between one man and one woman, or decrease statutory rights, incidents, or employee benefits of marriage shared by one man and one woman, or require private entities to offer or provide rights, incidents, or benefits of marriage to unmarried individuals, or bestow statutory rights, incidents, or employee benefits of marriage on unmarried individuals. Any public act, record, or judicial proceeding, fiom within this state or another jurisdiction, that violates this section is void and unenforceable.
This is not a surprise but it is definitely not good news. In 2005 these whackos along with their even more homophobic buddies responsible for California's most recent anti-gay ballot measure Proposition 22 which voters passed by a stupefying margin of 61.4%-38.6% in 2000 filed several anti-gay ballot initiatives with the attorney general for the 2006 election but none of them qualified for the ballot.

With three bites at the apple next year at statewide elections (February 5th Presidential Primary, June 3rd Legislative Primary and November 6th Presidential and Legislative Election) Mad Professah has been predicting for awhile that California heterosexual supremacists hope that they will be able to qualify one of these nasty ballot measures and put the civil rights of a minority up to a majority vote by "the people." Gotta love, Democracy California-style, right?