Update on gay rights in Puerto Rico

Andrés at Blabbeando has a great chronological summary of the current struggle to pass gay rights legislation in Puerto Rico. The latest development is that the Archbishop of Puerto Rico Roberto González Nieves has endorsed domestic partnership legislation (El Nuevo Día)
En un giro inesperado, el arzobispo de San Juan, Roberto González Nieves, comparecerá hoy por segunda ocasión ante la comisión revisora del Código Civil para proponer una variante de las uniones de hecho, que definió como “uniones domésticas”.

Una “unión doméstica”, según González Nieves, está constituida por dos o más personas que residan bajo un mismo techo y que exista entre ellas un conjunto de derechos y deberes que nacen de la vida en común o de un pacto expreso.

According to babelfish.altavista.com, this translates as:
In an unexpected turn, the archbishop of San Juan, González Robert Nieves, will appear today for the second time before the revisory commission of the Civil Code to propose a variant of the unions in fact, that he defined as "domestic unions".

A "domestic union", according to González Nieves, is constituted by two or more people tha[t] reside under a same ceiling and that exists among them a set of rights and duties that are born of the life in common or of an express pact.