Californians fear ferrets more than gay marriage

There's a new blog run by the largest statewide LGBT political group in the country, New York State's Empire State Pride Agenda (hat tip to Blabbeando) called The Agenda. I checked it out today and saw this cute little blurb about a poll on the legialization of marriage versus the legalization of ferret domestication from the Los Angeles Daily News:

As it turns out, gay marriage (43 percent) rates higher in California than legalizing those pointy-nosed polecat descendants (38 percent).

"Only 38 percent favor legalization. That's kind of absurd," said Pat Wright, who founded Ferrets Anonymous in 1993 and directed a fundraising campaign to pay the $6,000 for Field Research to conduct the poll. "I thought California was more of a live-and-let-live state. If we had proposed legalized gay marriage or marijuana, we would've gotten a higher number."

Good work, Pride Agenda (when I lived in New York years ago we used to call it ESPA). The blog looks like it will be a good spot to check out the latest goings on in the LGBT political universe. I wonder how long it will be before Equality California (EQCA) has a blog, too? Can't let those New Yorkers show up us Left Coasters! We invented the internet, after all...

But they, like every other state in the Union (except for California and Hawaii) can have ferrets as pets, so I guess we're even.