General Pace Refuses To Apologize for Homophobic Remarks Despite Furor

Yesterday I mentioned the blatant and ignorant homophobia of Marine General Peter Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military. After a furor erupted and he was summarily called into the office of his civilian boss, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to explain his remarks, Pace issued a statement expressing regret but refusing to apologize.

U.S. Representative Martin Meehan who has introduced legislation to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has decided to leave Congress in July and become Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. However he says that he hopes to have the repeal of the anti-gay policy be part of his legislative legacy.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, United States Senate Armed Forces Committee ranking member John Warner and Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund and Human Rights Campaign all condemned General Pace's remarks.