
Today is just the day for sad news I guess.

CNN - Police: Dad left toddler outside to freeze to death
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AP) -- The father of a young girl who died of exposure had knocked her unconscious because he was angry, then took her outside in subfreezing temperatures and left her there, police said before the man's arraignment Thursday.

Nyia Miangel Page, who was about to turn 2, was found dead Sunday on a wooded knoll about a 10 minute walk from the family's home.

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Page told police he woke up early Saturday and found the girl awake and playing near a mirror in the hallway, according to the criminal complaint. He said he got mad when the girl wouldn't go back to bed, so he hit her so hard she hit her head and was unconscious, the complaint said.

Page then took her outside wrapped in a blanket and left her, police said.
It just makes my heart sick to hear something like that. How could a father do that just because a two year old wouldn't stay in bed? I have to wonder if he thought he had killed her with the blow to the head and had taken her outside thinking he was hiding a dead body. It is terrible either way.